TV Review – Darby and Joan

What IMDB says

Two lone strangers trekking on the road – a retired Australian policeman with a dog as his only company and widowed English nurse – meet each other and embark on an epic odyssey in the outback of northern Australia.

Who’s in it

Bryan Brown (as Darby), Greta Scacchi (as Joan) and Nudge/Kobe.  Now I’ve always liked Bryan Brown, and he’s as good in this as anything I’ve seen him in.  And Greta Scacchi I know less, but she was in Bodies which I loved, and she give a great performance in this too. Nudge and Kobe by the way both play the dog, and he’s gorgeous! And honestly, I didn’t realise there were two dogs until I started to write this and opened up IMDB.

What I say

Joan Kirkhope thinks her husband, John, in is Spain. Then she is called go all the way to Australia to identify his body.  Yeah, I’m sure it was a shock to her too.  Six months later, Joan decides she has to go to Australia following details she’s found in John belongings to try and work out what happened to him and why he died.

In episode one, she’s driving her campervan and following the directions form the sat nav – oh do keep an ear out for the sat nav, she has some great moments – and turns down a track to her first destination. Coming the opposite way is Darby in a four by four, and it doesn’t look like either one of them is going to give way.  They both serve, but the Land Rover ends up rolling, which may have more to do with the driver than the car.

Of course, the two clash, there has to be conflict right, and neither is going to give up on their own journey, but Joan has a rather impressive Campervan (yes I have Campervan envy so sue me), and it’s the right way up.  So Darby, and his beautiful dog Diesel gets in with her and dragged to her first destination.

At the destination, there is (shock horror!) a murder.  Joan is a retired nurse, so she checks out the injuries, and Darby is a retired police officer, so he knows how to investigate. A natural team they solve the crime.  Be aware though, there is a question mark over quite what rank Darby achieved in the police.

Subsequent episodes are of a similar road movie meets “New Tricks” nature. It has to be said that these are not the most complex crimes in the world to solve, but what do you expect from a comedy-drama with stories that wrap up in an hour?  They are, however, good stories well presented, and they do keep the watcher watching.

If you like your criminal activity gentle and with a touch of humour, you’ll enjoy this one.

Where to Watch

Well you can watch (Feb 2024) on a Thursday evening on Drama (freeview) or you can watch the whole series on UK TV Play.

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